Deliverable 3.2.1: Putting the Science in the Regionalisation of the Common Fisheries Policy

‘D3.2.1: Policy brief on the development of a common language over different actor groups vis a vis the Common Fisheries Policy and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (Month 36)’, coordinated by M. Pastoors, S. Mackinson, R. Magudia and K. Borrow.

The short format style of the Policy Briefings provides easy-to-digest relevant information to policy makers. Their purpose is to provoke thought and stimulate debate on topical issues relating to deepening the engagement of stakeholders in governance of EU fisheries. In this deliverable we present (i) two policy briefings focussing on the knowledge needs and its application in the regionalised approach to fisheries management adopted under the 2014 reform of the Common Fisheries Policy and (ii) outline plans for future policy briefings.

Policy Brief no.1 – Participatory approaches in the new regionalised CFP – Approaches to knowledge sharing include: Empowering all stakeholders, Discussing different options based on sound information, Promoting shared problem solving and decision-making, and ensuring a fair, open and democratic process.

Policy Brief no.2 – Consensus from policy makers, stakeholders and scientists – Development of knowledge base for regionalised fisheries management includes: 1. Consensus statement from the participants; 2. Taking an “Adaptive and Learning-by-doing” approach to the discard ban; 3. Developing Regional Technical Groups; 4. Communicating effectively and building trust for regional management.

Outline plans for future policy briefs.

Read the document in full here.

Contact Rosie Magudia or Katrina Borrow for more information on: and



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