24 Months On: Progress report from the North Sea, LTMP case study

Steve Mackinson provides an update on the North Sea case study.

“Three people are currently working on the case study. I am directing the technical work of others, alongside communications with the RAC.”

“It’s been more difficult than hoped to establish the focus group on LTMPs at the RAC.  I’m encouraged that the RAC do really want to engage in the work, but they have so much on their plate, it makes it difficult.

Our strategy then has been to try to get further ahead on the technical work so that we have something ‘substantial’ to bring to the discussion. My feeling is that we need to provide a clear example to demonstrate more clearly how our work is relevant and how they can engage with such work. We have done some work on what MSY policy means for mixed fisheries and plan to use this as a way to provide something for the RAC to bite in to.

I think the truth is that we are all still learning the best ways to try and collaborate.”

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