Data Collection Begins

Pablo Pita Orduna, scientist at Universidade de A Coruña, gives the latest update on the Galicia Habitat Mapping GAP2 case study.

Map of Galicia case study area

It has been just over one month since we started collecting data.

At the beginning of the project, several boats agreed to participate and provide detailed information about the fishery within our study area in the Ria De Arosa. And then during our initial workshops with the fishermen, we reached an agreement that the fishers would use data loggers to record their daily movements and log books to record their catch and effort.

Workshop of scientists and fishermen in the Brotherhood of Cambados.

Since beginning to monitor the fishery, we have encountered and overcome numerous teething problems. Technical assistance has been provided with the fishing Guilds Aguiño, Cambados and Ribeira, and we are already working together on addressing how the fishermen can more easily incorporate using the log books in their daily work. Fortunately (apart from the engine failure of one of the participants), there haven’t been any more serious problems yet!


Next update coming soon…


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